
Flight details
Title: Tea Towel not required, why no XC? and why Tea Towels could learn from Mr Goldsm
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Rob Beresford
Date of flight:9th August 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I had posted on this before but I really need to grow a pair and speak for myself.
I realize I wasn't posting my own opinion but rather the negativity of others.

I'll be totally honest, while it was a little windy (I'm used to breezy), despite the moderate thermals, it was all well within my comfort zone.
Don't get me wrong, while takeoff was uneventful and penetration good, until I'd gained some altitude (4230amsl, still loving the sound of that :)
it was a little rough with a couple of equally uneventful collapses which I guess is a testament to the Mentor 4.

Because it was both windy and thermic, I was expecting it to be rather unpleasant but while it wasn't the same as a few weeks back with light winds and easy thermalling, it really wasn't horrendous and to be clear, it was actually one of, if not the most enjoyable flights I ever had.
I'm not going to go into the details but suffice to say, I've flown on days like this before but never had a ride before like the one the Mentor has just offered me.

After nearly an hours flight, it was time to return to the Dyke and as much as I'd like to have tried my first real UK XC, leaving Ryan to retrieve me, I believe wouldn't have been legal and besides, he can't see over the wheel ;-)

While wind strength wasn't an issue, it was still as rough as old boots as I prepared to top land and I was concerned that this may not be the best place to suffer a further asymmetric so I opted for a wiser bottom landing. Still elated from my flight, I was little disappointed that others weren't quite so impressed. It really wasn't that bad but if you thought it was, why did nobody have the decency to advise otherwise? Having some twat publicly shoot me down a week later just as I'm about to launch is kinda a little too late don't you think? Just for the record, next time you consider a one way conversation, maybe best to keep it to yourself?

I have another theory though and if I'm right, it's a little childish and doe
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.8898,-0.2122
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance6.30 km
Score10.08 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.014591.igc