
Flight details
Title: Petit Tour Du Lac - Annecy
Pilot:Paul Jiggins
Date of flight:15th August 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
This was much better than my attempt 2 days ago, Petit Tour Du lac proper. I did have a look at the Grand Tour but couldn't get high enough near Annecy town to cross the lake. Once I gave up on the grand Tour I flew back via Plnfait take-off, coming in below the launch, and climbed out again up to "The Teeth" so I could cross the lake for the Petit Tour. Plenty of height on the climb out to about 2200 meters meant the lake crossing was real easy and I picked up the ridge once over the lake quite high. Eventually managed to climb up the ridge to the highest point and dropped over the back after climbing up to to about 2263 meters. Aimed for Forclaz take-off and closed the circuit before landing back at the main landing field of Doussard.  As you'd expect, quite lively at times but great fun :)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:45.81425,6.246367
Landing place:Doussard
Witness:GPS file
Distance35.01 km
Score91.03 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014587.igc