
Flight details
Title: Scottish nationals, task 2
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:18th May 2008
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A much better day at the Glencoe ski area -- the guy who hiked up 500m with his hang glider certainly hoped so! I think he was rewarded. Task was a 16k triangle, though most of the local experts planned to extend it to a bigger one. I don't think anyone actually made the turnpoint in the valley.  I had a lovely time thermalling up to the rocky snow-covered summit ridge of Meall a'Bhuiridh, although strangely when the sun came out as a couple of us were soaring the ridge, it failed to blast off lovely climbs as expected. Then, heading over to Buchaille Etive Mor, I got a great climb smack in the middle of a wide boggy valley! Played with an eagle, eventually turned downwind but failed to get back over the summits, and cruised down a buoyant Glen Etive for 10k -- not in the right direction for the comp, but they gave me a few points anyway! There's no nonsense about uploading GPS tracks -- you just tell them how far you flew and which turnpoints you made. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:56.609179,-5.002865
Landing place:Inbhir-fhaolain, Glen Etive
Witness:I have a GPS track if anyone wants
Distance10.55 km
Score10.55 km