
Flight details
Title: Lovely early spring XC day
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Stephen Purdie
Date of flight:2nd March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
While on my way to the Dyke after a morning meeting with the accountant, I saw Windy John driving in the opposite direction. I pulled onto the side of the Kingston roundabout and called him for an explanation! He told me that is was off to the south and light there. I took a quick look up to see a magnificent sky developing and agreed to quickly head to Mt.Caburn. 

John and I rigged half way up the school field and flew/ran to the top as Dave Nickells was just starting to gain some height. As this was my first flight on the new Independence reversible harness I had to make a few in flight adjustments, but soon settled into a smooth 2m/s climb under a superb looking convergence line. I drifted a kilometer or so ENE while climbing, but as soon as I approached base at 1500' curtain cloud started to form alongside and below me. Rather than risk envelopment I broke away to the cloud street to the north. 

The rest of the flight followed a fairly similar pattern, with drift to the south east when climbing and glides heading north east under a steadily rising cloudbase which peaked at almost exactly 4000'. I was very conscious of the airspace clutter around Dungeness and felt that the drift and streeting was luring me towards them and the inevitable landing when approacing the coast. Consequently I kept pushing cross/into wind. The next concern was of course that I would push too far north and risk penetrating the ATZ at Headcorn, so I was relieved to see aircraft launching and landing several km to my north.

I had not expected to fly xc when I set out and consequently had no flying suit & only a warm jacket on and no gps. I spent much of the flight considering whether I should land while I could still operate the controls, but managed to just temper the frozen sensation on each glide, though realistically I don't think I could have flown much further. 

The GPS issue had been worrying me until I remembered that my mobile phone (N95) has one built-in. I took the 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:51.028077,0.784622
Landing place:Appledore
Witness:launch: windy john & dave nickells,
Distance55.08 km
Score55.08 km
Charlie Merrett2nd Mar 02:24:  Nice one Mr P - sounded like fun, not jealous at all.....
Kenny McPhee2nd Mar 02:31: Congratulations on your fligt Steve, like always turn up in the wrong place or arrive too late!! Kenny
Karim Ahmed2nd Mar 07:25: Nice one Steve
Matthew Pepper2nd Mar 08:47: Steve, And to think you flew that flight on a dhv 1-2 zulu and some floppy reversible Harness... oh and and it was at the begining of march! And i missed it, gutted! Nice one stevey p.
CraigAtwell3rd Mar 02:12: Nice one Bru,that sky looked really good.Its the same old story the Dyke or Clayburn,you got it right well done.We all got it so wrong:-(((((
David Williamson4th Mar 05:29: Got it wrong??!!! Caburn; shmaburn! I got 4.5 mins. airtime at the Dyke on Monday AND got all the way to the barn field! " It's got to be rough to be good!"
Glen Burrows6th Mar 03:41: Congratulations, the sky looked great in London, sorry I missed the day, fantastic flight for the time of year. Hope to follow you one day this season.... Glen