
Flight details
Title: A jaunt to middle farm
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:6th March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Missed the first gaggle to climb out but managed to a bit later. Joined up with Carlo and a yellow nova highish behind the Dyke. They both flew back forward to the hill while I went with it. It was a lot smoother high and I drifted gently to Brighton, very slowly.As I got over the A23 I found a 2Buzzard climb that took me to 3 grand. With that I managed to connect with some weak cloads just before the uni that took me to Lewes. By this time I could see Carlo and Tefal getting a good climb back towards the Dyke.I couldnt see any of the previous gaggle, later to learn they had all landed. The convergence moved south of me and I didnt want to go too far that way so If I got passed Eastbourn Id have a chance to get round the 'corner'. I could see Carlos track more inland but couldn't see any development there but it seemed to be working, so I went for some brown fields in front of Firle and ended up on a landing approach! very westerly now and came down nearly vertical but had time to wave to some people at the farm house where the track I was landing next to went. As I touched down, a car pulled up the track and offered a lift, so I mushroomed up stuck it in the boot and got driven to the Dyke roundabout where Ghandi picked me up,Result! 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.853767,0.113133
Landing place:Middle Farm
Witness:Charlie Merrett
Distance23.70 km
Score23.70 km
GPS evidence from:XC.007149.igc