
Flight details
Title: Bell Hill to Milborne St. Andrew
Site:Bell Hill
Pilot:Mark Grant
Date of flight:22nd March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I went to the BCC at Bell Hill, Dorset. It was a bit windy and off to the north but the round went ahead.
I had a flight of about an hour but couldn't get anything good enough to go so I landed for a spot of lunch and then re launched. After a little while I got a climb that had me at about 700ft above take off going back over the ridge. It wasn't a monster climb but was fairly constant so I decided to stick with it as it was getting on and may be my last chance. I stuck with it as long as I could up to about 2500' I think when it died ( or I just lost it!). I glided down wind and got a little lift over Milton Abbas. It was weak and when I saw a buzzard I thought I was saved but it circled for a few seconds and then went.
Down wind glide again and I saw a small airstrip with a black hangar and a line of trees, I flew towards it and was quite low when I got there but fortunately it paid off and I climbed up again, but only about 1000' or so. 
In front of me now was a whole lot of blue sky, not a Cu about so I headed across some brown fields towards a village but found nothing over the fields or village.
I landed in Milborne St. Andrew.
A chap from the South Devon club had landed nearby and when I went to see him he already had a retrieve on it's way. Result!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.77675,-2.276717
Landing place:Milborne St Andrew
Distance11.74 km
Score11.74 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007202.igc
Paul Forrester25th Mar 04:46: Well done Mark. Glad you got a good flight at the BCC. Looks like the whole team had a great result. Nice to meet you at Beachy on Fri. Thanks for your advice. I got some decent soaring in, in the end and a really good fly at the Dyke on Sunday.