
Flight details
Title: Caburn to Cross-in-Hand
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:29th March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Went to the Dyke, but it was too West, and despite coming back to NW several times, it had sea breezed by time we left (12ish?) Arrived Caburn to see huge convergence cloud out front, so climbed up, and took off. A few ridge rats prevented climb out, but saw Mark Watts out front, so joined him, and we climbed out sort of together, to about 2300 ATO. I then lost Mark, and he went along the convergence � good idea � I went over with the wind, and spent the next 50 minutes grovelling for my pains. Sailplanes misled me, and I couldn't climb in their cores. Got very low over the Gliding club, with loads of sailpanes, Hgs and other Pgs in the air. Went right around the club, and got very weak thermal other side, a fewe hundred feet off the ground, which made painfully slow progress downwind. Slowly slowly approached a spot where there was some sun on the ground, and this finally lifted off, and got a 1 up over the power lines and all that nasty wood. I left this for a promising climb marked by some seagulls, but never got what they had.  Then more grovelling low to last climb. Airspace confused me, but I was too low anyway, so shouldn't have been too bothered by it. Was landing in horse paddock when last little low save took me into a field for a nice landing. Keviewevie then called 3 minutes later and retrieved me. Result!.

Went back and had one and half hours soaring � sun overcast, but once the crowds had gone home, the thermals came out to play again, around 6, for some nice soaring until my hands became too cold.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.980617,0.218383
Landing place:Nr Cross-in-Hand
Distance18.84 km
Score18.84 km
GPS evidence from:XC.007254.igc
Clive Warrington29th Mar 07:05: I think that may be me on the right (blue/white Gin Zulu). I didn't get very far...just behind the opera house.