
Flight details
Title: Tiny XC number 2 Magic Monday
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:30th March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I arrived at Caburn and saw a gaggle of 4 gliders followed by a gaggle of 3 climbing steadily, and thought  �I'm too late�, but I wasn't. Took off at 12:58 in rather strong wind and after three minutes gained height with three others and eventually topped out at 2887 feet, according to XC trainer. Climb rates were up to 4 m/s on the 20 second averager. It's such a fantastic sensation to leave the relatively crowded hill. Climbing with others makes it easier, so why did I ignore the lovely cumulus on my right and head into the blue hole on my left? Inexperience and not planning my next thermal whilst climbing, I suspect. Nice view of Ringmer, Gliding Club, Raystede Animal Sanctuary and Fireworks Factory as I sailed past. Landed at 13:23 just past the junction of the Broyle and Shortgate Lane (back road to Laughton). Who are the other two paraglider pilots in the first picture (zoom in); do you recognise yourselves? Duration 25 minutes. Distance measured (as usual) with Google maps and a ruler was about 8.2km; ok, so it was basically one-thermal wonder but I really enjoyed the view and the flight. Just wait until I find that second thermal�..   :o) My thanks to the guy who returned me to Ringmer and also to Dave Harle who took me the rest of the way back to Caburn. Can anyone tell me how to transfer XC Trainer track log so it shows up on the map please?
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.917667,0.12275
Landing place:Shortgate just past Blue Bell Inn
Distance8.18 km
Score8.18 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007260.igc