
Flight details
Title: Is this getting boring!?
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:David Hague
Date of flight:30th March 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Thought I'd add to the flight diaries for Monday...

After landing at Stansted at 8am I got to Caburn just early enough to see the gaggle of seven going over the back as I walked up. From what others have said in the past I thought the potential for XC was over, so was flying the small and punchy thermals until a large one released at about one o'clock. Six or seven of us started to climb out, but only four decided to stay with it straight up to cloudbase at about 3000'.

Whilst drifting with the cloud it was possible to climb a couple of hundred feet above base at the edge of the cloud. I took in the view and could see a spectacular thermal in the distance - where the dust was visible all the way from the ground up to cloudbase as an inverted funnel, consolidating into a core halfway up.

As my cloud stopped working I headed for the only nearby scrappy looking cloud, which wasn't working. Didn't think I would make the fabulous cloud streets further east, so headed downwind, without any more beeps, on a glide to the ground.

Walked back to the nearest village (Chalvington) for an ice cream, but there weren't any shops!? Bumped into Jiroslav(?) and we shared a luxury retrieve (cab) back to Caburn for some more flying.

No photo's, but have attached the sat pic for the day showing the cloud streets all the way to the (other) coast! The red dots are at Caburn.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.87425,0.176483
Landing place:Near Chalvington
Distance10.59 km
Score10.59 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007282.igc