
Flight details
Title: Mini Vol Bivouac from H&O - Part 1
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Carlo Borsattino
Date of flight:5th April 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Got to H&O early, wind howling. People flying at Bo Peep, didn't look very nice. Went to Seaford for coffee. Came back, wind still howling. Waited around, talked crap for awhile - everyone else, not me! ;^) Wind eased a bit, launched, climbed out straightaway with comrade Tefalski, decided to push for Bo Peep. Scrapped along in front of BP, past Firle beacon, low over Firle Place, lower over Glynde, landed in the field before MC landing field, just before where all the lift was - doh! Saw Constantine climbing over Firle Beacon on tandem, he managed to reach MC above top but then went to land in Glynde. I decided top walk up Caburn and give it another go...
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.860255,0.063191
Landing place:The field next to Mount Caburn land
Distance9.77 km
Score9.77 km