
Flight details
Title: XC from Mount Caburn
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Charlie Merrett
Date of flight:9th May 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A very nice climb out from Caburn straight after launching (thanks Matt for finding it) with Tefal, Smurf, Matt P and Hairy Dave on the tandem.
Got to base without a lot of drift over Glynde. Base was pretty low at just over 2000 ft amsl so we hung around the area spreading out and looking for better lift as we drifted towards Ringmer. There were a few sailplanes around marking the abundant lift as we tracked south of the gliding club as base rose to about 2500'.
Tefal bravely went off on the first glide towards a cloud that unfortunately just started to decay so 3 of us hung back in the weak lift until he found a climb for us (cheers Tefal). We all climbed over East Hoathly at the end of the Broyle where the wind had picked up a bit and base had risen to 2800'.
It wasn't looking too promising downwind then with some high cloud damping down the lift and a long glide to Heathfield where the ground rises up and the next cloud.
We all spread out with Matt slightly above us at the back ready to pounce and went on glide. Smurf and Tefal got low, I had a better line and just as we got to Heathfield Matt shouted out a climb which I came in under but it was a scrappy one and we were getting very low over the town with no landing options so after trying a few turns and not connecting I bottled it and went to land. Matt joined me in the field and managed to sweet talk a local resident into driving us to the pub in Cross in Hand where Logical Robbie very kindly came and picked us all up in my van - cheers Robbie ! Not exactly epic but a very nice stress free flight with a few mates, thanks guys.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.958371,0.255931
Landing place:Heathfield
Distance19.35 km
Score19.35 km