
Flight details
Title: 25km FAI triangle from Bo Peep.
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Charlie Merrett
Date of flight:4th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A fantastic day at Bo Peep - bit windy to start but fairly strong climbs to over 4000ft amsl and then the wind dropped and everybody decided to fly around making nice shapes...

After flying for an hour landed for a break and then took off again and decided to try and fly an FAI triangle anti-clockwise heading out towards Alfriston first.
Got a lovely climb from out front with Tefal and watched Carlo climb up to us from below - that man knows how to thermal! Tefal headed back out front and Carlo and I pushed out towards Eastbourne. 
Carlo took a more upwind line and unfortunately got drilled whilst the gods smiled on me and I crossed behind Alfriston and climbed in front of High and Over back up to 3500' and then headed upwind towards some little cu's forming over the Long Man.
Had a nice run upwind towards the r'bout at Polegate and then turned west to head north of Ardingly reservoir and got some nice climbs off some very fragant fields up to the white room at 4300'.
Pushed North as far as I dared to extend the triangle and got down to 1000' before spotting some gulls who showed me the way back up to 3500' whilst watching Tefal even further north cruising around at base (really wanted to be where he was!)
Headed west towards Caburn but came back to the ridge before I got there as I could see the sea breeze (convergence cloud) almost over launch.
Climbed in the convergence over the back of Firle Beacon and then did a quick push to the end of the ridge around the Beddingham masts to make the last corner of the triangle and then turned and headed back to launch.
Only had 3km to go and was at 2500' which gave me a 4 to 1 glide to make it back to close the triangle and was doing fine til I hit the sea air and stopped dead and started falling out the sky...
Didn't think I'd even make the car park but then hit some buoyant air and made it back to launch - just, knackered after 4 hours of flying but very happy to have finally closed a triangle !
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.821033,0.128
Landing place:Bo Peep
Distance25.54 km
Score68.96 km
GPS evidence from:XC.007556.igc