
Flight details
Title: DevilsDyke seabreaze
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Peter Campbell
Date of flight:14th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
With little wind on the hill, I was one of the lucky few to get away. Leaving low in a thermal with Tim Pike (from Dover & Folkstone) and 1 other (flying a Geo), we climbed to about 3000ft in a WNW track. Thankfully, Asda was working well, and climbing back up in a westerly drift, soon had me and Tim on our way~ good to see the aerotow group making use of their new field. Thinking the seabreaze had us, I went on a glide to land at the Lewes roundabout; Tim stayed high behind me: the Geo further back now off inland and high. A N.Westerly climbout from Kingstone took me South of Caburn and on to a nice Cu convergence cloud, and then another in line along the A27 to Polegate where it all ended. Turn inland or death glide? Open distance being the nature of the day, a split decision and I glided N.Easterly to the outskirts of Hailsham. Thanks Neil for the retrieve.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.849217,0.2672
Landing place:Hailsham
Witness:GPS file
Distance36.30 km
Score36.30 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007586.igc