
Flight details
Title: Devils Dyke to Blackboys
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:David Hague
Date of flight:16th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived at the Dyke at 10 am with the sky full of Cu and launch full of laid out paragliders. Launched into a cycle at 11 am and headed straight for a couple of birds thermalling over the small brown field in front of launch, which got me and a few others to about 800' ATO before the climb lost momentum, or I lost it. I headed back to launch intending to land for another go, but the SBF looked mighty close so instead I took a punt on the 2 large brown fields in front of launch, which a couple of pilots had gained some height off earlier. I reached the fields at about take off height to find another couple of birds marking the best of the available lift, which took me to just below the 3500' ceiling.

Three others (Tefal, Craig and Ghandi appparently) had already got away and I glided in their direction, topping up height on the way. I soon realised that I wasn't going to catching them, so continued gliding downwind, tracking over brown fields in sun, taking the thermal to the ceiling, gliding downwind, tracking over brown fields in sun, taking the thermal to the ceiling, gliding downwind.....well you get the idea. Great larks was had (Pip!) flying through the veil cloud of the SBF, just about managing to stay on the inland side of it.

It all came to an end near Uckfield, where my tracklog shows I got pushed off the back of a climb (it's all a bit of a blur to be honest). After 2 hours of concentration I think my brain must have stopped working - flying XC at low altitudes is pretty draining! Or maybe I just need more practice!?

Walked to Blackboys where a bus turned up, on which was sat the mighty Tefal. The Q&A session was definitely worth the price of the bus fare - cheers Tefal.

Felt lucky to have got away on my first SBF encounter and my longest XC in Southern territory.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.9613,0.19065
Landing place:Near Blackboys
Distance32.93 km
Score32.93 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007603.igc