
Flight details
Title: High n Over
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:23rd June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Cant download the photos of yesterday so above is a link to my flickr page.

Lots of phone calls from pilots deciding where to fly and Bo Peep was decided on. Stopped at H and O to check it out and mr fox turned up and seemed very keen! Watched him fly about a bit, then Dave N and thought I'd better get up there. Took off in smoothish lift and managed to gain some height then pushed back upwind and into the fire thermal. The only thing to do was bank right up and work the gusty, rough cores. After 30 minutes or so, just me and Dougy were left drifting back over Seaford. I snuck off along the s.b. front with cloads below and above me!
Got to Newhaven and Dougy, having had a fantastic low save tried to push inland towards the Swanbrough ridge but didn't find much and landed. About the same time I saw Ghandi pottering along the back of Firle and working his way inland. I new this was a good plan, but whenever I tried to push inland I got big sink so I stuck to my plan to surf the front hopefully inland at Brighton.
Nearing Brighton I noticed loads of lenticulars in the general direction I was heading. With the roughness of it all I made the decision to land, but as Ghandi found as soon as I tried I ended up spiraling up!Also got roughed up by all the hot air off Brighton and dropping through the s.b.f. Horses everywhere and I thought they must all be thouroughbreds (they turned out to be 3 legged donkeys and nags), so opted for a field of Bullocks. Very curious they were too, but luckly I spied the exit before landing and only had to turn around and jump in the air going GRRRAH acouple of times! Got the bus to Rottingdean (the Webs were out)So got another to Seaford (thanks for the lift Ghandi)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.838583,-0.0955
Landing place:Brighton Racecourse
Distance19.81 km
Score19.81 km
GPS evidence from:XC.007638.igc