Local Meetings


Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 17 April, 2010 - 21:00 to Sunday, 18 April, 2010 - 00:00

The SHGC AGM will be held at the Glynde Working Men's Club in Glynde at 8:00pm on Saturday the 17th of April 2010.


President's introduction
Chairman's report
Minutes of 2009 AGM
Matters arising
Officers reports
Election of officers
Club website
Non member issues
Any other business

There are a number of committee posts being vacated this year and all posts are up for re-election and open to competition, the posts and current nominees are as follows:

Post Nominee Proposed Seconded
Chairman Pete Campbell Des Huth David Webb
Neil Brennan-Wright
Secretary Jenni Fleming Rob Beresford Des Huth
Treasurer Steven Nicholls Steve Purdie Des Huth
Site Officer Vacant
Windsock Editor Charlie Merrett Hugh Miller Steve Purdie
Chief Coach Matt Pepper Rob Beresford Des Huth
Dave Lewis Alison Webb Anne Stenning
Safety Officer Steve Purdie Des Huth Pete Campbell
Aerotow Officer Ozzie Haines Des Huth Rob Beresford
Schools Liason Vacant
Membership Secretary Des Huth Steve Purdie Pete Campbell
Social Secretary Rob Beresford Des Huth Steve Purdie

To stand for a committee post please notify your intent to committee@shgc.org.uk and have your proposer and seconder post their support to the same address. Of coarse you are still welcome to stand for any post at the AGM.

We hope to see as many of you there that are able to make it.

Many thanks


The committee

Glynde Monthly ~ RedBull X-Alps 09

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Friday, 30 October, 2009 - 18:00 to 22:00

Hi all, this month Aidan has volunteered to give a talk and slide-show on his RedBull X-Alps 09 adventure, (with the aid of loyal assistant Charlie).
Please note, we have moved the day to FRIDAY ; hopefully giving more people an excuse to attend. mmmmm beer.

30th October at the Glynde Social Club

Glynde Monthly ~ Summer meteorology

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 27 August, 2009 - 20:00 to Friday, 28 August, 2009 - 00:00

Many thanks Johnny; I think CP's as well as Pilot ratings, got a great deal out of the talk., and you were still sober... how many pints does it take?!

Glynde Monthly - July- Basic Thermal Lesson by D.Massie

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 July, 2009 - 20:00 to Friday, 31 July, 2009 - 00:00

Well done Dave on delivering a successful talk on thermalling! Words of wisdom to soak up and help improve our flying knowledge & skills.

We will hopefully keep up the Monthly'meet with another the last Thursday of August.

Subject~ to be announced
Speaker~ yet to step forward; could it be you?

Watch this post

** Update ** June Club Coaching Meeting "Meet the Coaches" Location Proposed: Caburn

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 27 June, 2009 - 18:00 to Sunday, 28 June, 2009 - 00:00

“Meet the Coaches”

Location Update: *** CABURN PROPOSED ***

With this month’s coaching meeting we’ll be doing something a little different!

The event will be held Tomorrow, Saturday, 27th of June and NOT the regular Thursday slot.

As the heading says, this is your chance to “Meet the Coaches” but that’s not all.
Neil Brennan-Wright will be laying on a BBQ so don’t forget the Food and Drink (we’re not that generous!) and don’t worry about the calories, you can burn them off in our “Spot Landing Comp & Ground Handling Workshop”.

Weather permitting, I can confirm Caburn will be the venue for this Special Outdoor Club Meeting but please check Airworks on 01273 858108 and/or the SHGC Website in case Mother Nature has other ideas.

So Make-a-Date,

Saturday 27th June 2009
!! Be There or Be Square !!

Leaving the Hill

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 April, 2009 - 20:00 to Friday, 1 May, 2009 - 00:00

Carlo Borsattino will be heading an informal presentation on leaving the hill for the first time... with the usual audience participation. The new season is just getting underway, and this meeting is directed at those pilots whose desire it is to go XC from our sites for the first time, or those that just need an update. Weather forecasts, equipment, picking your time, airspace; whatever your questions or concerns with "leaving the hill", come and digest some words of wisdom over a beer.

Venue is the Glynde Social Club on thursday 30th April, and doors open at 7.30pm for an 8'ish kick-off, finishing around 10.

Bruce Goldsmith Presentation

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Wednesday, 8 April, 2009 - 20:00 to 23:00

Bruce Goldsmith: Airwave chief designer & test pilot, 2007 Paragliding World Champion, several times British Paragliding Champion, author and film-maker will be giving a presentation on glider design.

This should be a most entertaining and enlightening evening.

Where: Glynde Social Club. Please car share as the bar receipts are all they have charged us!

When: Wednesday 8th April 2009 7:30pm for 8pm

How much: FREE!

Do please e-mail info@airworks.co.uk to confirm you are coming.

Coaching Meeting / Pilot Lecture

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 26 February, 2009 - 18:00 to 20:00

The next monthly coaching meeting will be the second of two pilot lecture held by Steve Purdie who has kindly offered to host.

The pilot lectures are for anyone who would like to take the pilot or advanced pilot exam and anyone who would like to learn more piloting skills, even if not planning to take an exam yet.

The next of the two lectures will be held at Glynde Social Club at 7.30 pm on Thursday February 26th,and then the exams to be taken soon after at the convenience of those taking the exam.

All members welcome

Dave N

Pilot Lectures

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 18:00 to 20:00

The next monthly coaching meeting will be a pilot lecture held by Steve Purdie who has kindly offered to host.
This will be the first of two lectures.

The pilot lectures are for anyone who would like to take the pilot or advanced pilot exam and anyone who would like to learn more piloting skills, even if not planning to take an exam yet.

The first of the two lectures will be held at Glynde Social Club at 7.30 pm on Thursday 29th January with the following being on February 26th at the same venue,and then the exams to be taken soon after at the convenience of those taking the exams

All members welcome as always

Feel fee to contact me with any questions

Dave Nickels


November Coaching Meeting

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 27 November, 2008 - 18:00 to 20:00

The November club meeting will be held at Glynde Social club on Thursday 27th November 7.30 pm
This is a rerun of the July meeting that was rather under attended (for many different reasons)

This will be prelude to the coaching course to be held on 13th / 14th December.
It is important that all current coaches who wish to continue, and those who would like to attend the December course as a new coach attends this meeting.

The December course is also for existing coaches (all disciplines) to be revalidated, this is a new idea from the BHPA.

This will also be an excellent opportunity for all members (especially newer members) to find out what coaching is all about

John Lancaster will be chairing the meeting and organising
the December coaching course, the more coaches and potential coaches who can attend this meeting the less Johns workload will be.

Hope to see you there.

Dave N
