Local Meetings

ON the Hill Induction for NEW CPs

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Sunday, 1 September, 2019 - 02:00 to 12:00

For any new CPs needing an induction I am going to be doing one on Sunday at Devil's Dyke. Its looking like it should be flyable so bring your wings. You will a least get some ground handling practice. Any Red Ribs that want to come along feel free to join in. Be in the Dyke car park in front (north) of the pub by 9am . The induction will start at 9am.

Coaching evening and pilot induction

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 July, 2019 - 21:00 to Friday, 26 July, 2019 - 00:00

Please note the new venue!! It will be at the Ram Inn in Firle.

7.30 till 8 induction for new pilots, then a talk/discussion on thermalling and xc. Its a new location so not entirely sure what to expect. But I ma sure we can sort it out.

Coaching evening and pilot induction

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 May, 2019 - 21:00 to 23:00

Bit late posting this one.

there will be a general coaching evening this week at Glynde social club.
So the induction will basically roll into a ask anything about flying evening.

Bring your questions and lets see if we can get then answered.

Coaching evening - Mysteries of RASP revealed

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 April, 2019 - 21:00 to Friday, 26 April, 2019 - 00:00

Glynde Social Club
7.30 till 8 pm induction for new members.
8 till 9.45 ish Pilot exams for those that want to sit it.
At the same time ( but in a different room) this months talk is on RASP - Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction
We will be delving into the different sections of it and how to use them to plan your perfect XC day.

And of course answering other general questions on leaving the hill and going XC

See you there.

SHGC AGM Saturday 6th April 2019

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 6 April, 2019 - 21:00

Date for your diary.

The 2019 SHGC Annual General Meeting will be held at the Glynde Social Club The Street Glynde BN8 6SS Saturday 6th April 2019 starting at 7.30 pm.
Dave from the Social Club will once again be supplying food paid for by your Club, as will your first drink. A vegetarian option will be available. The club will be open from 6.00pm prior to the meeting commencing.

Items for the agenda to me please.

Chris Aegerter


SHGC AGM Saturday 6th April 2019

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 6 April, 2019 - 21:00 to 23:00

2019 SHGC Annual General Meeting.
Saturday 6th April 2019 starting at 7.30 pm.

To held at the Glynde Social Club The Street Glynde BN8 6SS.
A copy of the agenda is attached.

Every member is entitled to be present and is entitled to one vote on every question and or motion either in person or by proxy vote, nominating either the Chairman of the meeting, or an alternative member to vote on his or her behalf. This can be done by email, secretary@shgc.org.uk or if you prefer in writing to the Secretary, Chris Aegerter, 6 Hawks Road, Hailsham, BN27 3BL. ??Any member, if nominated, can stand for any office on the committee. Nominations for any of the committee posts can be made to me be email or letter. Nominations can also be made in person on the night.?? This is your chance to have a say in the running of your club . If you are unable to attend the meeting please consider using a proxy vote.

Dave from the Social Club will once again be supplying food paid for by your Club, as will your first drink. A vegetarian option will be available. For those with good appetites the price of second helpings will have to be negotiated with Dave. The club will be open from 6.00pm prior to the meeting commencing.

Chris Aegerter, Club Secretary

Coaching Evening an introduction to XC flying

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 March, 2019 - 19:00 to 21:00

Glynde Social club
7.30 till 8 pm is Induction for new club members.

8pm till 9:45pm An introduction to going XC

Aimed at CPs and Pilots who want to go Xc and have little or no experience.

Despite the rubbish weather at the moment XC season is upon us and April can produce some great XC flights.

We will cover various aspects of XC from planning your flight to leaving the hill.

Flying with others, landing out, air space and safety points to consider.

We will also go over plans for on-hill XC coaching.

So if you have a desire to leave the hill and explore further afield then come along and get your questions answered.

Coaching evening Flight theory and instruments

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 February, 2019 - 19:00 to 22:00

Location Glynde Social Club

7.30 till 8 pm induction for new members

8 till about 10 pm Flight theory and instruments for the pilot Exam

You should:
• be able to explain in detail how a wing creates lift, including the relevance of venturi tubes and Bernoulli's
• be able to define and use terms such as chord line, angle of attack, aspect ratio, centre of pressure,
• be able to describe the aerodynamics of the stall
• be able to simply describe factors affecting stability in pitch, roll and yaw
• understand the relationship between glide ratio and l/d ratio
• understand the effect of ballast
• be able to name the forces on a glider in steady flight and explain their relationship
• be able to name the various types of drag and explain their causes
• be able to describe the relationship between the induced, parasitic and total drag and airspeed using
drag curves
• understand and be able to use a polar curve
• understand the basic working principles of altimeters and variometers
• understand terms such as total energy and airmass in connection with variometers.

Coaching evening Air Law And Navigation

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 29 November, 2018 - 19:00 to 22:00

Location is Glynde Social club
7.30 till 8pm is induction for new members.
Then first part of the evening will some worked examples on lapse rates followed by:
Air law and navigation
You should:
• be able to name the official documents, sources and promulgation methods of UK aviation law
• understand the law regarding Royal Flights and glider radios
• be able to interpret aeronautical charts (including scales, differences in the level of information depicted,
validity periods, and symbols)
• understand the basic structure of Zones, Areas and Airways
• know the dimensions of ATZs and MATZs
• understand the usage of various altimeter settings (QFE, QNH, 1013.2 mb)
• know the Rules of the Air (especially the low-flying rules, the right-hand traffic rule, and the aerial
collision avoidance rules)
• be able to define VMC and VFR (minima, rules)
• know the legal definitions of night, sunset and sunrise and the relevant flying restrictions relating to them
• be able to define IMC and IFR (basic differences from VMC rules)
• appreciate the factors affecting compasses (deviation and variation)
• be able to interpret warning signs
• understand commonly used abbreviations and initials
• be able to distinguish between types of airspace that permit glider entry and those that don't (e.g. AIAAs,
MATZs, Danger Areas).

Pilot Lectures Meteorology

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 October, 2018 - 21:00 to Friday, 26 October, 2018 - 00:00

7.30 till 8pm Induction for new members then the start of the Pilot Theory Lectures.
Glynde Social Club

First on the list Meteorology:

We will be covering the points below. If you are a CP then come along so you are ready for your Pilot Rating next year.
If you are already Pilot Rated then come along for a refresher.
Or just come along and chat with other pilots at the bar.

• understand the relationship between wind direction and areas of high and low pressure
• be able to describe in detail a cold front and a warm front (typical clouds, conditions, pressure changes,
wind changes)
• be able to identify some common high, medium and low cloud types, and give their approximate heights
• fully understand convection (the birth and development of a thermal, through to plotting the progress of a
thermal given the ELR and initial temperature)
• understand, and be able to define and use, meteorological terms such as stability, instability, veer, back,
ELR, DALR, SALR, tephigram, anabatic, katabatic
• be able to describe the usual conditions associated with high- and low-pressure weather systems
• understand the causes of: valley winds throughout the day, sea breezes and sea-breeze fronts, wave lift,
fog (of various types)
• fully understand and be able to interpret a synoptic chart - to the extent of being able to describe the
current weather at selected locations, and to forecast likely changes
• be able to link cloud types to precipitation.
