Latest Flights


Steve Barnett flew 60.54km Flight with 3 turnpoints from Bo Peep on Tuesday 25th June (see this flight)
Arvydas Matuzas flew 37.22km Open Distance XC from Devils Dyke on Sunday 9th June (see this flight)
Arvydas Matuzas flew from Devils Dyke on Sunday 9th June (see this flight)
James Wong flew 101.24km Open Distance XC from Mount Caburn on Saturday 25th May (see this flight)
Ben Davidson flew 11.16km Flight with 3 turnpoints from Bo Peep on Sunday 19th May (see this flight)

Hang gliding

John Mc Bride flew 13.56km Open Distance XC from Mendlesham on Saturday 4th May (see this flexwing flight)
John Birchall flew 57.84km Open Distance XC from Devils Dyke on Friday 21st July (see this rigid wing flight)
John Birchall flew from Devils Dyke on Friday 21st July (see this rigid wing flight)
John Birchall flew 18.28km FAI Triangle from Firle on Tuesday 25th April (see this rigid wing flight)
David Williamson flew from Bo Peep on Saturday 25th February (see this flexwing flight)