Local Meetings

October social evening. pilot/AP lecture - air law

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 October, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 29 October, 2010 - 00:00

This month in the Glynde Drinking Men's Club, Dave Massie will be giving a lecture on air law for those who want to do the P/AP exams (or anyone just generally interested)...

September social evening. Pilot / AP level flight theory and instrumentation.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 September, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 1 October, 2010 - 00:00

This month in the Glynde Drinking Men's Club.... Dave Massie will be presenting P / AP level flight theroy and instrumentation for those sitting their exams or anyone else who's interested in a pint and something interesting.

August social evening. Topic: Pilot and advanced pilot meterology.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 26 August, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 27 August, 2010 - 00:00

This time in the Glynde Drinking Men's Club..... We begin the series of lectures for those wanting to do their P or AP exams. This time we'll be looking at weather. It's aimed at exam-sitters, but of course all comers are welcome.


July social evening. Topic: Thermalling and climbing out.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 29 July, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 30 July, 2010 - 00:00

In the Glynde Drinking Men's Club this month, Dave Massie will be presenting how to thermal, especially how to thermal away from SHGC sites.

More details to follow.... Dave?

TOMORROW - Ground Handling Clinic

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Sunday, 18 July, 2010 - 01:00 to 15:00

It looks like tomorrow will be slightly too windy to fly, so we're holding a ground handling clinic. Local wind expert, Windy John, will be leading us through the various tricks for controlling the **&^%$$%^&* thing when it's strong.

We'll be dealing with refining standard launch and collapse techniques, how gliders vary and need alternate techniques and practice those techniques, such as use of front and rear risers, french style launch, cross wind lay-out, mushroom launch, back fly, cobra launch and anything else we can make up as we go along.

All pilots and coaches are welcome.

Meeting at Airworks for coffee at 0900 ish.


Coaches Meeting - Glynde, 14/7/10. 19.30

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Wednesday, 14 July, 2010 - 20:00 to Thursday, 15 July, 2010 - 00:00

Meeting for coaches in the Glynde Club, 14 July, 7.30 pm. All coaches please come along. We will be discussing the minutes and actions of the previous meeting (e-mailed to all coaches, please contact me if you've not got it) plus any other business you bring along.

Dave L will be making a short presentation about making presentations.

All the best, Dave.

June social evening. Topic: Instruments and Navigation

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 24 June, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 25 June, 2010 - 00:00

The regular evening session at the Glynde Drinking Men's Club.

This time we will have Dave Lewis, Steve Purdie and other seasoned navigators showing you how we do it. We'll discuss air charts, compasses, rulers and GPS useage. Both from an XC pilot and comp pilot viewpoint.

We intend to go through some flight planning exercises and hold a virtual task on the village green (weather permitting).

Please bring your flight deck with map, compass, GPS, altimeter, etc. A torch might be handy also. Don't worry if you haven't got everything, you can team up with someone who has. Please ensure you have read your gadget manuals in advance and can change data fields, enter waypoints, etc.

CU there, unless I get lost on the way,


Glynde Coaching Meeting ~ Flying Meteorology

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 27 May, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 28 May, 2010 - 00:00

After such a fantastic turnout at April's Coaching Event, we couldn't let you down could we?
Next Coaching Meet will see our very own John Barratt talking on the all important topic of
Flying Meteorology.

If you want to know when and where to be, the deal with lapse rates, sea breeze & convergence,
This Coaching Evening is just for you!

Again, we want to see all the hacks sharing their wisdom and secrets.

As always, Date for your diary is Thursday 27th May, 7.30pm for an 8pm start.
Be There or be Square!

SHGC Committee


Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 17 April, 2010 - 21:00 to Sunday, 18 April, 2010 - 00:00

The SHGC AGM will be held at the Glynde Working Men's Club in Glynde at 8:00pm on Saturday the 17th of April 2010.


President's introduction
Chairman's report
Minutes of 2009 AGM
Matters arising
Officers reports
Election of officers
Club website
Non member issues
Any other business

There are a number of committee posts being vacated this year and all posts are up for re-election and open to competition, the posts and current nominees are as follows:

Post Nominee Proposed Seconded
Chairman Pete Campbell Des Huth David Webb
Neil Brennan-Wright
Secretary Jenni Fleming Rob Beresford Des Huth
Treasurer Steven Nicholls Steve Purdie Des Huth
Site Officer Vacant
Windsock Editor Charlie Merrett Hugh Miller Steve Purdie
Chief Coach Matt Pepper Rob Beresford Des Huth
Dave Lewis Alison Webb Anne Stenning
Safety Officer Steve Purdie Des Huth Pete Campbell
Aerotow Officer Ozzie Haines Des Huth Rob Beresford
Schools Liason Vacant
Membership Secretary Des Huth Steve Purdie Pete Campbell
Social Secretary Rob Beresford Des Huth Steve Purdie

To stand for a committee post please notify your intent to committee@shgc.org.uk and have your proposer and seconder post their support to the same address. Of coarse you are still welcome to stand for any post at the AGM.

We hope to see as many of you there that are able to make it.

Many thanks


The committee

Glynde Monthly ~ RedBull X-Alps 09

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Friday, 30 October, 2009 - 18:00 to 22:00

Hi all, this month Aidan has volunteered to give a talk and slide-show on his RedBull X-Alps 09 adventure, (with the aid of loyal assistant Charlie).
Please note, we have moved the day to FRIDAY ; hopefully giving more people an excuse to attend. mmmmm beer.

30th October at the Glynde Social Club
