The next monthly coaching meeting will be a pilot lecture held by Steve Purdie who has kindly offered to host.
This will be the first of two lectures.
The pilot lectures are for anyone who would like to take the pilot or advanced pilot exam and anyone who would like to learn more piloting skills, even if not planning to take an exam yet.
The first of the two lectures will be held at Glynde Social Club at 7.30 pm on Thursday 29th January with the following being on February 26th at the same venue,and then the exams to be taken soon after at the convenience of those taking the exams
All members welcome as always
Feel fee to contact me with any questions
Dave Nickels
The November club meeting will be held at Glynde Social club on Thursday 27th November 7.30 pm
This is a rerun of the July meeting that was rather under attended (for many different reasons)
This will be prelude to the coaching course to be held on 13th / 14th December.
It is important that all current coaches who wish to continue, and those who would like to attend the December course as a new coach attends this meeting.
The December course is also for existing coaches (all disciplines) to be revalidated, this is a new idea from the BHPA.
This will also be an excellent opportunity for all members (especially newer members) to find out what coaching is all about
John Lancaster will be chairing the meeting and organising
the December coaching course, the more coaches and potential coaches who can attend this meeting the less Johns workload will be.
Hope to see you there.
Dave N
The Next club meeting will be held at Glynde social club on Thursday 30th October.7.30 for 8.00 pm.
Neil Brennan-Wright has kindly offered to give a talk about flying abroad. Neil has been on many foreign trips and is full of useful information,such as where to go , how to get there with all your equipment without paying through the nose and so on.
If you are thinking of going on a foreign trip and would like some tips or are experienced in flying abroad and would like to bring some advice with you, then you will be most welcome, as will all members.
Some things to consider and discuss
What airline / will they charge me for sports equipment
What is the weight limit
How to pack all your stuff and stay in the weight limit
How to safely transport electrical equipment
An organised trip or going it alone
Where to go
What if its not flyable (what is there to do)
And lots more
Hope to see you there
Dave N
Hi All
A reminder that the club Glynde meeting will be taking place tonight as normal for a social chat and beer
Hope to see you there. 7.30 ish
Dave N
The next cub coaching meeting will be held (as always) at Glynde Social Club on August 28th at 7.30pm. The topic will be harnesses, and Tim King has kindly agreed to give a talk and guidance on the subject.
This will be a great chance for us all to understand more about how to set up a harness properly, what harness is best for the wing we fly, how each harness affects the performance of our wing and so on.
You will be more than welcome to bring your harness along to get help in setting it up properly and have it looked at by someone who knows what they are talking about.
I believe most of us spend lots of time agonising over what wing to get next and may try many before we commit, but often neglect to consider what's happening at the other end, how much does you harness affect the performance of your flying machine for instance.
Tim will be bringing along a range of various harnesses for us to look at so the differences can be discussed.
This will also be a great opportunity to discuss the recent scary subject of the breaking karabiners and what we can do to reduce the risk.
All members will be most welcome, especially the lower airtimers, I for one am looking forward to learning as much as I can.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Dave Nickels.
The July club meeting will be held on Thursday 31st July at Glynde Social Club 7.30pm.
The topic this month will be all about coaching and coaching matters.
This will be a chance for members to meet the coaches and have your say and find out more about coaching in the club
.It will also be an excellent opportunity for all members (especially newer members) to find out what coaching is all about, even if you are not thinking of coaching yourself yet
Your Chief Club Coach John Lancaster AKA Windy John will be in the chair and happy to answer any questions
If you have ever thought about becoming a coach there is a course being run in this area on 13th / 14th of December for all those who would like to put something back into their sport.
The course is also for existing coaches (all disciplines) to be revalidated, this is a new idea from the BHPA. all coaches who wish to remain actively involved in the Southern club please come along if you can.
A warm welcome awaits all members.
Hi all
I will sadly not be able to attend the next club meeting as I will be away in France working on a tan.
It seems I will be missing an extremely interesting talk and I would like to thank Carlo Borsattino of Flybubble Paragliding for making all the arrangements for what promises to be a great night, I copy Carlo's briefing below.
Dave N
Here is the summary of the very special presentation which Greg Hamerton
will be doing for the SHGC meeting this Thursday 26th June...
DVD and presentation by Greg Hamerton
The Journey is a passionate tribute to free-flying. Leaving the city behind
and heading for the mountains with only a paraglider for company, a pilot
begins a journey of transformation which takes him high over the peaks and
deep into the wilderness beyond. Can he survive in this aerial realm, where
freedom is the only rule?
In the distant deserts he may find the answer.
Set in the Western Cape area in South Africa, this production is Greg's
debut as a director and film-maker. At the premiere he will share what
motivated him to attempt this journey, the challenges of filming from a
paraglider, and the importance of daring to dream.
Presentation time: approx 60 minutes
+ Q&A session afterwards.
Note from Carlo Borsattino, Flybubble Paragliding: I have known Greg for
over 10 years now, and he is one of the most inspirational characters I have
ever met in the free-flying world (and the world in general). Not only is he
a top-notch paraglider pilot, and one of the very best paragliding
instructors I have ever had the privilege to work with anywhere in the
world, but he is also an incredibly talented writer and film maker. As well
as writing many excellent articles for paragliding magazines, Greg has
written an incredibly comprehensive flying sites guide for South Africa and
a highly acclaimed paragliding novel, "Beyond the Invisible" which his new
film "The Journey" is loosely based upon. Not only will you find this
evening inspirational, with a totally different point of view from 'the
norm' (whatever that is!), but you will be able to quiz Greg regarding
pretty much any aspect of paragliding you want - from general thermalling
and cross country flying techniques, to bivouac flying, dealing with fear
and glider control and acro techniques - and gain shed-loads of useful
information from his wealth of knowledge and experience, accumulated since
the early 90's. Don't miss it!
Best wishes,
Carlo Borsattino
BHPA* Chief Flying Instructor (CFI)
BHPA* Dual Rated Tandem Paraglider Pilot
FLYBUBBLE PARAGLIDING is a BHPA* Registered Paragliding School
Paragliding Courses, Tandem Paraglider Flights, Flight Equipment.
UK Tel: 01273 812 442
The next club lecture will be at Glynde Social club on Thursday May 29th starting at 7.30pm.
This will be a Southern club sites Guide given by Dave Massie
Dave will be talking about how to get the most out of the sites, such as the Brighton run/ Truligh run / Ditchling ridge run / Firle run and so on.
He will also be talking about some of the dangers and what to look out for and how to get the very best from the sites in general.
This I believe will be a very valuable talk to us all and especially to the newer members.
Dave has also been one of the people who put together the new club website and has spent many hours working on it.
He will also have a computer with him and be able to answer any questions about the new site and hopefully sort out any problems you may have had with it.
So something for everyone and cheap beer as well.
Hope to see you there.
Dave Nickels
The next club meeting will be held (as always) at Glynde Social Club on Thursday 24th April at 7.30 pm.
This will be a lecture about thermaling and XC flying by Mark Watts
Mark is an extremely well known and competent XC comp pilot and his flying achievements are far too numerous for me to list here.
Most SHGC members will have seen Mark fly even if they don't know him personally (he will be that dot in the sky).
If you have ever wondered how he does that then this will be your chance to ask him.
All members welcome
Dave Nickels