Glynde coaching meeting (start 8pm) and new members induction (start - Topic to be decided - any requests?
Due to a lack of interest in the planned series of P / AP lectures, we'll put that on hold until next year.
Of much more interest to us all, Dave Massie has volunteered to take the floor this time and tell us about some of his XC exploits in the UK over the year, possibly with input from other xc warriors too. Post-analysis of a flight to see what was good and what could have been better is a great way to learn from the experience and fly further next time. Dave's done some great flights this year and will be able to explain how to do the same.... or better...
Usually the hardest bit is being in the right place at the right time and getting the initial climb-out, then it's just a matter of avoiding the floor after that!
Please post your interest here to make sure he'll have an audience.
Glynde coaching meeting (start 8pm) and new members induction (start
Winter's coming so we'll begin the series of lectures for those looking to sit their P / AP exams.
I'll present at least the first one, but I'm off abroard soon. Any volunteers to make a presentation? It's easy enough, with a well prepared Powerpoint slide-show to work from and a great way to refresh your XC knowledge. Please contact
Glynde coaching meeting (start 8pm) and new members induction (start - Instruments and Navigation - XC soar seminar.
Lauren has kindly offered to tell us all about XC soar and the hardware to make it useful. In addition we might be able to have a look at Mile's modified car units. There will also be penty of luddites like me who can go through the practicalities of the old methods with vario / gps / compass / pen.
While the focus of the meeting will be on XC soar (super-duper free gliding software for your mobile phone or car navigator, this session will be useful to any current or aspiring XC pilot and anyone planning to do the pilot / AP exam.
It's gadgets at 10 paces! (under Tefal's movie lights if it's cloudy!!!)
Glynde coaching meeting (start 8pm) and new members induction (start -
In the last meertings we covered climbing out from our hills, some speed to fly theory and a little about routes and XC flying.
This time Dave Massie, who has been wafting all over Sussex at every oppertunity, will talk about some of his flights, routes, clouds he's met along the way, airspace, to sea breeze or not sea breeze, outlandings and anything else interesting that comes up.
Last time we covered the basics of thermalling and climbing out. This session we'll go over the next bit: what to do next....
When to leave the first thermal? How fast to fly? What to head for? Outlanding? Getting home again? Using the map / GPS / vario / compass (bring yours along) Typical XC flight plans from our popular start points? And anything else that come up....
Be there or land short!
This years version of the very popular session on thermals, where to find them and what to do with them. With special focus on the local speciality of getting away from small and crowded hills.
John Barret will be sharing his extensive knowledge of weather, the forecasting and use of. Particular focus on atmospheric soundings to de-mystify the most useful type of charts available to us.
While this is going on there is an oppertunity for the Pilot exam candidates to sit their exams in the other room.
pilot candidates can also join us in Glynde while we're having the committee meeting on Wed 2 april at 19.00 in the glynde working mens club.
Glynde coaching meeting - pilot lecture - session 5 - Exam and de-brief
An opportunity to sit the pilot exam while we're having the committee meeting.
Glynde coaching meeting - pilot lecture - session 4 - Airlaw