Sorry for the late post,i usually post regularly on tues ,but here it is.
New month and is starting to be very spring like already in the air with lifty thermic air,when the days are flyable, but....when will we get out on a weekend and get the feel of the buoyant air,could be this weekend,i will be watching the forecasts closely and will post again fri night ..its about 70% good chance of a thumbs up,we will see.
Im not too sure if im out during this week ,as my Dodgy knee is bad ,and trying to save it for the weekend.
Well the flying days have started to get us out of the house with today being fun and thermic ,with some chaps doing some small XC myself included to ditchling where i got rained on,and a good hitchhike thumbs out ride back to the dyke :). This is what you red ribs have in store ,when the time comes for you to leave the hill looking for small flying adventures.
Looking ahead for this weekend it looks pants again,but if you can get out tomorrow , go to bo peep ,you will be rewarded with some flying,it looks really nice ,but will get a little bumpy at times as the thermic air bubbles up at noon,all i can say if you wanna fly in sensible ridge hugging air get there early,if you want i can give you a brief for the day and site ,its not a red ribbon day ,i will be flying with you ,but will be watching out for you all ,as much as i can,including getting you off the ground safely if needs be.
i will be getting there around 10am ,come find me ,as some of you i have yet to meet,just ask anyone ,most will point me out.
If i dont see you on the hill then i will post again fri night ,to say how crap the weather is .....again
The plan is to set the Pilot exam on the night of 25th Feb (last thursday in Feb) at Glynde Social club.
Anyone wanting to take this exam needs to get me their BHPA number and name by the end of 18th Feb so I have time to get the details to the BHPA and get the exams back.
(I dont have them I have to apply to the BHPA who send them to me with your name and number on them)
To sit the exam you need to have completed the tasks in your handbook.
If you have done them but not got them signed off then bring your task book and log book along and it can be sorted out on the night.
You must bring your task book with you on the night as I need to verify it and there is a form in there that needs to go with your exam.
The fee for the exam is £10. No I cant take credit cards. Just bring 10 quid with you.
You can send me your BHPA number by email, the SHGC message system or via Face book.
Sorry for the late post ,but worse then that i could not make the flying yesterday,which proved to be glorious for a certain few peeps in the club ,and from one of our sites MT caburn, and starting the race, for this years xc godliness.
As you are now really peeved with the weather,and studying the forecasts every day,obviously looking more then one day ahead,which for the most,always pans out differently,you will have noticed that this weekend has the same strong winds forecasted,if this changes i will post agian fri night for an update for the weekend.
Don't despair ,i just hope we have a few days for the red ribs to get familiar again with there new found passion,and get to fly in some gentle ridge soaring conditions ,before the spring thermic air takes hold, to which a new set of flying skills need to be learnt,and from that continue onwards to your pilots credentials,and become a skygod to chase down some new xc club records,But till dreams of stardom take hold,study what ever you can,if a little bit of usefull info pops up in your mind to help you fly better, and maybe gets you out of a sticky situation ,thats good,and dont be afraid to ask questions,dont matter how silly they seem,get them ready to ask me on the hill (one day),as i always know the right people to answer all.We look out for each other as it keeps the sport and club a great place to be. See.....just trying to big up things these weather testing times.
I think this weekend looks rubbish already ,the weather is on the mend ,but still going to be testing for our sport,well that just about covers my rear end,for a heads up.
There might be a look in mid week ,but looks like a south to South west wind,i will be watching regularly to see if theres any chance of flying,you too must do your own assumptions on the weather ,as im not going to let on mid week ,as the last time i booked a mid week rrc ,it got blown out.
i will post fri night if theres a hope of a rrc day...dont hold your breath.
In the mean time ,is your kit fit for the season ahead ,if you have not got it out of its bag for many weeks ,do it and get any problems areas ,wing and lines fixed while the weather is rubbish,and dont forget that reserve,maybe long overdue for a repack.
I feel that i seem to be posting the same old bad weather report for each coming weekend,this stands true for this looming weekend and ,days either side.
One Tuesday i will bring a optimistic weather report,but until then just watch flying vids and dream.Its very good to do this ,or study weather internet sites or books because when the weather does break, your brain will need to focus on your active skill of flying your wing ,and all the weather stuff will be less of an issue as you will be masters at reading the sky you are playing in.
Dont forget , any one who feels the need ,can post on here about any questions that need answering,you will always get a reply.
will update fri night .
The sooner this month, like the previous three ,pass by ,the better. February must have some better days,rather then the odd fickle flying window of opportunity.
Do i need to say what awaits us this weekend ,but if the forecast is totally wrong ,you will be the first too know ,when i post an update fri night.Till then guys ,dont forget this Thursdays induction, and what ever that Mr john T has in store later on in the evening.
The last of the lectures at Glynde Social. The talk will be from 8 pm to 9.30pm
7.30 to 8 is induction for new members.
I will be finishing at 9.30 as I have to be up extremely early the next day. ( about 4 am) So if anyone feels up to taking this talk the please let me know as it would be a great help.
The plan is to get the exams done in February, so for anyone wanting to do that check your task book and make sure you have all the tasks done.
Not done = No EXAM
( you can always take it later in the year once your tasks are done)
Also make sure you have emailed me your name and BHPA membership number by 17th Feb latest. That will give me a week to get the exam papers.
Flight theory and instruments
You should:
• be able to explain in detail how a wing creates lift, including the relevance of venturi tubes and Bernoulli's
• be able to define and use terms such as chord line, angle of attack, aspect ratio, centre of pressure,
• be able to describe the aerodynamics of the stall
• be able to simply describe factors affecting stability in pitch, roll and yaw
• understand the relationship between glide ratio and l/d ratio
• understand the effect of ballast
• be able to name the forces on a glider in steady flight and explain their relationship
• be able to name the various types of drag and explain their causes
• be able to describe the relationship between the induced, parasitic and total drag and airspeed using
drag curves
• understand and be able to use a polar curve
• understand the basic working principles of altimeters and variometers
• understand terms such as total energy and airmass in connection with variometers.
Ribs ,Usually i regularly post on a tues night ,but this early post ,for next weekend is too cover tomorrow (Tuesday) for a mid week special RRC day due too the lack of wing play days.
So tues looks like Bo peep could be a good bet,i will be going ,so i might as well help any one that can make the day.i will give a site brief at 10.30 am if you meet me in the car park.
Please read your site guide,as i will do some quizzing :)
Will update post again fri night .
What .....its looking bad again for the weekend,i will be watching ,like you do,the forecasts to see if there might be a window over the will update fri night..
So when will i bring good news,and if anyone thinks whats to do,well ,at least vincent ,simon and those other southern club members are having a blast in Colombia,plenty of vids to keep us amused and wishing,dont forget there are other places to fly this time of year ,just a night flight away from flying in the warm lofty air,go investigate internet for trips with our own club members or go it alone,its easy.
and wishing good flights for those above mentioned,i know they will be watching the uk weather and laughing smuggly.