Local Meetings

Going XC from a Southern Site

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 May, 2015 - 21:00 to Friday, 29 May, 2015 - 00:00

Following on the XC theme. May's coaching evening is going to be a detailed look at flying XC from one of the Southern Sites.

The evening will be taken by Simon Steel and Dave Massie.

It is going to build on the last two coaching evenings and look in detail at getting away and going XC.

Depending on the predicted weather the idea is to pick one of the sites most likely for XC after the evening and concentrate on that one.

That way you can all go out and apply what you have learned.

Induction for new members will be from 7.30 till 8

The talk will be from 8 till it finishes

See you all there.

RRC weekend 23rd -26th may

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 23 May, 2015 - 02:00 to Tuesday, 26 May, 2015 - 02:00

It might look like im away in wales this coming weekend,so if any coach is wanting to help the red ribs this weekend lets me know.
As for flying this weekend on the southern sites,looks promising too.
Just keep an eye on red ribbons postings for updates closer to the weekend.

RRC weekend 16th -17th May

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 16 May, 2015 - 02:00 to Sunday, 17 May, 2015 - 21:00

It was an interesting, and tricky day,on the last weekends rrc flying activities. A slow start in the windy conditions at caburn which soon improved after some practice at para-waiting and testing our nerves at groundhandling ,to give us all a fly in the fickle conditions,then the wind came through again after an hour or so,but it never ended there ,some followed me to newhaven ,and on arrival it was like the m25 ,good call to go to caburn first,as just taking off at newhaven cliffs is very tricky for newbies,let alone the hordes flying that day,but as the numbers in the sky got less as the wind was dropping ,the red ribs launched ,and got that site ticked off ,the to do list,even little Richard was over the moon about flying it after a year of trying.
To sum up ,we had a less eventful time ,compared to what happened to some peeps at newhaven earlier that day.
This weekend might see some of you flying a new site,read the sites guide for our NW facing site,because as usual i will quiz you at the site at briefing time.
I will post again Friday night as i think only one day this weekend at our sites might be flyable,but weather forecast this early can still change.
And thanks guys and girls for all the good slope landings i Observed last week at caburn,yep i was watching you all from above,apart from the sea mist that got the better of me once. :)
later all..

XC meeting at the Dyke friday

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Friday, 15 May, 2015 - 02:00 to 18:00

Looking at the forecasts again it might well be a Dyke day tomorrow. There are a few hours in the morning where the wind is N-NW. Base around 11 am is about 2500 increasing to 4000 by 2pm . OD does not look like it is going to occur till about 4 or 5. So for those who would like a go at an XC who have not really managed it so far this year ( me included) tomorrow is looking possible from the dyke. For anyone that would like to meet up an arrange to fly somewhere add your thoughts below and we will attempt to put into practice some of the data we have been getting at the coaching evenings.

RRC weekend 9th -10th May

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 9 May, 2015 - 10:00 to Sunday, 10 May, 2015 - 21:00

We finally had some flying at mt caburn on sunday,it turned out slightly less windy then forecast,and from 8.30am till 3pm it was flyable and for which 6 new CP'ers new to this hill , got their proper first flight after getting their flying ticket for a new view at the world.
Good to see them using the lower west slopes for that invaluable ground handling,and all finished the day with no mishaps,just what myself and the club likes. :)
So on too next weekend,it don't look good boys and girls.I will post the update on fri night ,as too if it goes ahead,i would from looking at the forecast have a back up plan,heres a good one ,there are i believe 3 places left on the zip wire ,throw and pack your reserve ,its a club event and one i have done and was more then a serious learning curve ,it was great fun ,get booked in.
laters all

Coaching evening - More XC with guest speaker Greg Hamerton

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 April, 2015 - 21:00 to Friday, 1 May, 2015 - 00:00

April's coaching evening will be led by Greg Hammerton.

He will be continuing the XC theme with a thermaling master class.

The evening talk will start at 8 pm but get there earlier for a drink and a chat.

Coaching evening - with Special Guest speaker Mark Watts

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 26 March, 2015 - 07:00 to 22:00

7:30 till 8 will be the usual induction for new members.

Then to kick off the season and get you excited about some XC adventures of your own Mark Watts will be speaking.

So note the date and time in your diary and arrive early to get a seat.

February Coaching evening - induction and pilot exam

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 26 February, 2015 - 19:00 to 22:00

26th Feb at Glynde. 7.30 till 8 pm will be induction for new members

8 till 10 will be the pilot exam. that will be the coaching evening for Feb

You can then retire to the bar after your exam.

From March we will kick off a series of coaching evenings focused more on XC.

See the individual event postings for more details

Pilot Lectures part 3 - Flight Theory and instruments

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 29 January, 2015 - 19:00 to 22:00

OK you budding Pilots. The third part of the exam syllabus will be covered at the end of January.
See the list of topics at the end of this post to see what will be covered.

Please note the following from the Pilot Exam notes:
"For that reason candidates should have completed all of the PILOT
flying tasks before attempting the PILOT examination. They MUST have completed all the PILOT flying
tasks before the invigilator returns the exam and the Pilot Rating Application to the BHPA Office."

So before I do the final request for exams in January bring your pilot log books along so I can check you are done or go over what you need to do to get done.

If you have not completed all the tasks yet still come to the lectures. Then as you do finish the tasks during the year the exams can be arranged for you.

Flight theory and instruments
You should:
• be able to explain in detail how a wing creates lift, including the relevance of venturi tubes and Bernoulli's
• be able to define and use terms such as chord line, angle of attack, aspect ratio, centre of pressure,
• be able to describe the aerodynamics of the stall
• be able to simply describe factors affecting stability in pitch, roll and yaw
• understand the relationship between glide ratio and l/d ratio
• understand the effect of ballast
• be able to name the forces on a glider in steady flight and explain their relationship
• be able to name the various types of drag and explain their causes
• be able to describe the relationship between the induced, parasitic and total drag and airspeed using
drag curves
• understand and be able to use a polar curve
• understand the basic working principles of altimeters and variometers
• understand terms such as total energy and airmass in connection with variometers

RRC 13 December

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 13 December, 2014 - 08:00 to 09:00

This saturday is looking possible. Wind in the right direction for the Dyke or Firle. I will be at the Dyke. At this point in the week it is looking borderline top end.

SO I will update friday night as if it increases a bit it will be blown out.

If it is on I will be available from 8.30 till 9.30 . After that I will be flying. Whenever I land to warm up feel free to chat.

During that first hour we will do ground handling and any other briefings needed for the day.
