Local Meetings

RRC weekend 16th -17th aug

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Monday, 17 August, 2015 - 00:00 to Tuesday, 18 August, 2015 - 00:00

Last weekend had its ups and downs for some frill seekers,3 sites 2 days and wind in various forms ,gave us a testing but fun flying adventure.
This weekend and the following two,im away testing my full bar skills in the alps again.I hope whoever that will take charge of the red ribs will be nice too you all,vica versa,and no tree hugging.
If whoever wants too stand in for me,please feel free to carry on with this post...
over too you .prob.. Mr john (xc) T.
phil :)

RRC weekend 8th - 9th Aug

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Sunday, 9 August, 2015 - 00:00 to Monday, 10 August, 2015 - 00:00

What a great whole day last Sunday at Peachy Beachy,before it got busy-ish a saw 7 red ribs having deep joy in the air,was not too testing of conditions, and watching you all getting some very useful slope and top landings in,not to mention your good observation during your flying...yep i flies around the sky always watching,just in-case i need to help you with a little chat about your skills,but seems i was not needed.I likes.....AS for those pesky speed flyers.....aaauurrrgg
So on too this coming weekend,a little look at the weather ahead seems too forecast a weekend window of optimism ,wind strength looks promising after this low pressure system goes through this week,but wind direction could be a last minute call to where to go flying,you don't need telling its like that most weeks for the UK. Go look at some forecast internet sites and see how things might change to whats forecast-ed tonight,bet its different by Fri night.I hope john Turczak's chat last Thurs night helps with this.
As per usual i will post again Fri night around 6-7pm for Saturdays action.
PS if you have yet to join the red ribs collective on the hill,just turn up and you will be made very welcome,that's always guaranteed, as for good flying weather ,that's never guaranteed.

RRC weekend Aug 1st

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 1 August, 2015 - 23:00 to Sunday, 2 August, 2015 - 23:00

Early post for the looming weekend.
What will the weather gods throw at us,really too early too say.may be ,may be not ,but till i really know ,i will post fri night.
but till then dont forget thurs night social get together at our glynde club,i really would like all red ribs and post rr that are free too come and have a good chat get together with all the questions(and theres millions) that you usually ask on the hill ,i know newbies are worried about asking those numpty questions about flying related stuff and look for the answers sometime with their new flying friends and the internet ,better still ..asked us the numpty questions ,because their are NO numpty questions when it involves you life and others.We all can do numpty things as we all know from recent events on our hill,and myself and most seasoned flyers have learnt the hard way,so the club is trying too help you dont make the same errors,please note we may not have the the answers,but who does,i wish to speak to that dood .Also its about your flying future and how best to get though too your pilot rating.It will be a easy going night and have a chucky,it hopefully will be general questions,and stories of epic flying ..even your story of your first ridge run will be loved by a newbie.we and most forget the monthly club meet is a social one away from the hill and with a beer.
John T will update this post i hope.
See you there unless thursday forecast holds out for one off our sites and you will see me in the air with a happy feeling again,its been over a week with no air action.

July Coaching evening - Pilot development for CPs and get your questions answered

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 July, 2015 - 21:00 to Friday, 31 July, 2015 - 00:00

As usual 7.30 till 8 pm is new member induction to the club.

Then this months coaching evening is for CPs.

Its going to be a question and answer with the level aimed at the less experienced pilot.

We are also going to be taking a look at pilot development and working out for each of that turns up what you need to do to get from where you are to Pilot rated.

So its a chance to bring all your questions along and get some direction on what you need to do to get from where you are to Pilot.

If you can let me know in advance what topics you want covered then I will do a bit of a talk on those as well.

I will be covering how to use the Met forecasts and RASP to help predict your flying.

RRC weekend 25th -26th july

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 25 July, 2015 - 10:00 to Sunday, 26 July, 2015 - 22:00

Its back to the same old uk weather watching and holding our breath each week for a good weekends flying.Firstly i would like too thank mr John T for looking after you red ribs while i was away ,and seems like i had better luck with the weather outside the uk,but cheers john for posting and doing whats needed for the newbies.
So,since ive been gone i recon some may have not met me yet or the rest of the gang,but this weekend it may happen,early forecasts are promising for our sites ,sat looks poss for devils dyke ,we will see if things change during the week. For those that dont know how too read the weather forecasts or which sites too look at,check out the clubs info pages on weather info in the members weather section,look at more then one and try to work your predictions for whats coming this weekend,and don't be afraid to post on here if need be with any questions related,or any other info you might need help with,but as always im always willing to talk on the hill about any questions about flying,and if i don't know the answer ,i will happily bug my more knowledgeable flying friends to get you the best answer.
If you are totally new from the flying schools,and need to say hello, let us know you want to show us your new flying passion and skills this Saturday,post a hello massage on here if you want to.
As per usual ,i will post on this page on fri night around 6 pm for an update for Saturdays time and place for the activities,and Sundays rrc day will be posted sat night.
see you all on the hill soon...
PS for those that know me. Here's what i got up too while away in brief.
2600 euro miles traveled and camping in the estate car ,5 weeks total,2 separate weekly competitions back to back ,8 other alp sites flown,flew every day bar one traveling home,120 air hours flown, 30 of those days xc between 30k -70k,plenty of hitch hiking after flight which is part of the fun.this is what happens when you love flying,an adventure is only a hop off a hill away.

Coaching evening - Neville Almond and XC Soar

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 21:00 to Friday, 26 June, 2015 - 00:00

For June 7.30 till 8pm is the usual induction for new members and then we have Neville Almond giving a talk on XCSoar and Kobos.

Neville Almond started flying Hang Gliders at the age of 18 back in 1979. 37 years later he still has the same addiction for free-flight and cross country flying, and currently holds the class 5 (Atos class) UK records for Open distance, declared Out and return and declared Triangle, and has won the HG XC league several times in the last decade. He currently working as a business analyst, and has a background of IT and some engineering. This background drew him into being an advocate in the Kobo & Xcsoar 'self build' community, being a big fan of simplicity and only chasing technology when 'needed' (and not just 'wanted'); a subtle difference. Once full time work is out of the way (hopefully October 2015) he hopes to have a bash at the world open distance record in locations like Zapata Texas; oh, and also to put the HG record out of reach of Mark Watts.

The club talk on Kobo's & Xcsoar will be non-technical, won't be a monologue of button-pushing, and the same agenda has worked well at 4 other clubs so hopefully it'll be useful here too. The subjects covered will be:

Introduction – why the Kobo?
Hardware (Suitable Kobo's, GPS, Bluefly) (10 mins)
Building a Kobo/XCSoar unit (10mins)
XCSoar – introduction (10 mins)
XCSoar – Maps, airspace, waypoints (15 minutes)
XCSoar – using it (45 minutes)

Nev will use the interval for those one-off 'how do I?' questions that are of less interest to the wider audience

RRC weekend 13th -14th June

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 13 June, 2015 - 02:00 to Sunday, 14 June, 2015 - 02:00

Hello all you nice red ribs,i hear you had a little flying at Firle on Sunday with John T watching over you all,but i think that you might have to wait till after the weekend to get another chance for some air time action.
Im away for, and from the following weekend for a month ,so ask anyone that would like too help out during this time while im gone flying in some small hills called the ALPS ...
So at present the forecast for this weekend is strong winds.if things change i will be on here updating the post,so keep watching and any takers to help the red ribs ,please post on here as well....
phil :)

Coaches Meeting

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Tuesday, 9 June, 2015 - 21:00 to Wednesday, 10 June, 2015 - 00:00

To all club coaches.

June 9, 7pm, Glynde Working Men's Club.

It's about time for all the the coaches to meet up to compare notes, discuss who's been doing what and see if there's anything we can do to improve coaching in the club. We also need to talk about how to handle new CPs coming to us without top and slope landings signed off. Also we are hosting a coach course in December, so see if you can think of anyone we should persuade to become a coach.

I hope you can make it. Please mail me if you can come so I have an idea of numbers. dave@skylarkparagliding.co.uk

Happy coaching,


RRC weekend 6th -7th June

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 6 June, 2015 - 02:00 to Sunday, 7 June, 2015 - 02:00

A new month and summer is here,so im informed,but will it be summer weather this weekend.
I say looking ahead at forecasts it is very likely weekend flying at the dyke maybe, will happen....hooray.
But here's the thing ,i can not play due too my body parts falling apart,and needs time to fix.
I hope those that can help out,maybe nick again or that other nice chap mr john T,i will let them update this post the what they will plan for you merry lot.
You all take care in those coming too the busy skys,be safe and dont rush into the air if you have any doubts to your abilities to handle the situation you put yourself in and others.The old saying for those that dont know it yet,Its better to be looking up wishing you where in the sky,then looking down wishing you were down on the ground.
see you all another time .....over too whoever can help.
phil.( not a happy flyer )

RRC weekend 30th -31st may

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Saturday, 30 May, 2015 - 02:00 to Sunday, 31 May, 2015 - 02:00

Like to say thanks for nick for helping to round up the red ribs last weekend,and i see and heard you had good air time,air hours is great,you soon can remove the ribbon ,or maybe you like too stay in the group for a while longer for all the benefits it brings,we all dont mind that.
I was going away this weekend again to another one of the many uk's flying events ,this time in the lakes district,but alas the weather up there dont make for good flying, so you be having to put up with me again to give you any pestering i thinks worthy of making your flying days safer,and more knowledgeable i hopes.
This weekend is looking so so at present ,but ,you know the score ,lets see what it pans out by friday night,you are more then welcome to post on here to put your predictive forecasting skills to the test,as learning from the many forecasting internet sites is a good thing.
Well thats it till i post friday nights update to the weekends meet time and place.....
phil..(happy flyer)
